Heating & Cooling

Compare Thermostat Types

A new thermostat can help you use your air conditioner and furnace more efficiently and even...

Best Energy-Efficient Heating Systems

Heating accounts for more than 30 percent of the energy used in the average home. Consider...

How To Choose A New Furnace

New furnaces are up to 40 percent more energy-efficient than 20-year-old furnaces. That translates...

Pros And Cons Of Common Heating Systems

When you are choosing a new heating system for your home, consider the cost and energy efficiency...

DIY Electrical: Installing A Ceiling Fan

Replacing an existing light fixture with a ceiling fan is only slightly more challenging than...

How To Use Space Heaters Efficiently

A small electric space heater can save you money on energy bills. If you use a portable heater...

The Physics Of Heat Loss

Fall is here. The days are getting shorter and you'll be digging out that winter clothing...

Concrete Floors And Radiant Heat

Radiant heat is among the most comfortable and efficient heating options, particularly with...